Dimensional Funds Vanguard Funds Growth of $10,000 Annualized Return If Vanguard Funds Were Free Free Vanguard Fund Assumptions: The Vanguard Fund expense ratios are assumed to be zero and the monthly return series for those funds are increased by the current expense ratios for the entire period of this chart. United States International Emerging Markets Expense Ratio Book to Market Average Mkt Cap Standard Deviation #of Holdings {{fund.assetclass | limitTo:5}} {{fund.assetclass.substr(5, 6) | limitTo:6}} {{fund.expenseratio | number:2}}% {{fund.symbol[0] == 'V' ? '0.00' : fund.expenseratio | number:2}}% {{fund.pbratio | number:2}} ${{fund.weightedavgmarketcap/1000 | number:3 |limitTo:4}}B {{fund.standarddeviation | number:1}}% {{fund.holdings | number: 0}}